Korean Site

ENVIRONMENT: earth science, geology, hydrology, terrain, atmospheric science, yellow dust, pollution.

American University, School of International Service, International Conflict and Environment (ICE) program; case study looking at the Korean DMZ region as a bioreserve.
Neufeld, A. N. (1997). Korean Demilitarized Zone as a Bioreserve. ICE Case


National Parks, Korea (ROK). The mission of National Parks Korea is to manage and conserve national park and historical natural heritage resources & promote sustainable use of them. Contains detailed information and maps of most of ROKs extensive park system.


KEI, Korea Institute for the Environment (ROK): is a robust and active quasi-governmental agency that conducts a great deal of high quality ecological research and environmental studies. It spans the applications of research and development of environmental policies and technology, professional assessment of environmental impact statements and contributes to the prevention and resolution of environmental problems.

The following are examples of the useful research materials available through the KEI website (internal linkages & downloads through KEI portal).

Bang, Sang Weon. 2005. Development of Red List Categories and Criteria for the Protection of Endangered Species in Korea Jeon, Seong-Woo. 2003. An Environmental Conservation Master Plan for the Korea DMZ Area.

2002. Impact assessment of ecosystem influenced by changing global climate and its national management practices.
Rho, Paikho. 2004. Landscape Ecological Approach to Determine Wildlife Habitat Model in Korea
2002. GIS-based Wildlife Habitat Management Strategies in Korea

Korean Institute for Environmental Research (KIER) , a branch of the Ministry of the Environment,             maintains a great deal of high quality information on their web site, relating to such topics as: ROK natural (also national) parks, regional ecosystem and wetland conservation, migratory wildlife, and much more. Founded in 2005, this branch   seeks to help integrate and coordinate environmental and ecological research efforts across ROK.


North East Asia Sub-regional Programme for Environment Cooperation (NEASPEC), was launched in 1993 as a comprehensive intergovernmental cooperation mechanism. China, Japan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), Mongolia, Republic of Korea (ROK), Russian Federation, with shared vision, strive to make concerted efforts to address environmental challenges in this sub-region. Institutionally, Meeting of Senior Officials on Environmental Cooperation in North-East Asia (SOM), held annually on a rotational basis with decisions made by consensus, functions as the governing body and principal vehicle for the evolution of NEASPEC with UNESCAP providing interim Secretariat services.


Coordinating Body on the Seas of East Asia (COBSEA) (a UN sponsored organization) focuses on the thematic areas of marine- and land-based pollution, coastal and marine habitat conservation and management and response to coastal disasters. COBSEA addresses these areas through four inter-linked strategies: information management;   national capacity building; strategic and emerging issues; and regional cooperation.


United Nations Environment Program
(UNEP) State of the Environment: 2003 Series:

The United Nations Environment Program strives to provide leadership and encourage partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing, and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.

The State of the Environment (SoE) section reports on the prevailing conditions of a region from two perspectives: bio-physical and socio-economic conditions and trends. Ideally an SoE reporting system will seek to address: emerging issues in the region; present environmental status and trends; existing policy responses at national, sub-regional, and regional level; the future perspectives based on the past and present trends of different development patterns; and recommended policy action. SoE reporting targets grass-root (i.e. layman/common public) to high-level decision makers. Most SoE reports in the region have been mostly qualitative in nature.






UNDP-UNEP: Biodiversity Planning and Support Programme (2001). The Korean Demilitarized Zone: Eden of Wildlife. Northeast and East Central Asia – Nationa Biodiversity Strategies Action Plans, Newsletter, Issue 3/4, 29 March 2001,UNDP –    UNEP.


United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Feasibility     study report on operational strategy to develop DMZ as a trans-boundary biosphere     reserve. Includes inventory, surveys, habitats, flora-fauna sections.

            Kim 2001 UNESCO Report DMZTransboundary Park Study.pdf

Progress of the Initiative for a Biosphere Reserve in and around the DMZ and its Synergic Coordination with the World Heritage Site Nomination of the DMZ, (Korean) Presentation of an International Conference on Conservation of Korea’s Demilitarized Zone (DMZ): Transforming Korea’s DMZ, a World Heritage, into a Peace and Nature Sanctuary, 15- 16 July 2004, Seoul. Part of Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference and Expert Workshop of Transboundary Biosphere Reserves:

'Following-up on Seville + 5'.
MaB. Edited and compiled by Roland Stein, Peter Heil and Lenka Tucˇek.
Shim, Suk-kyung (2004). The 'Demilitarized Zone Biosphere Reserve' (Korea). Stein R., Heil, P. and Tucˇek, L. (Eds.) (2006) Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference and Expert Workshop of Transboundary Biosphere Reserves: Following-up on Seville+5, Naturpark Pfälzerwald/Parc Régional des Vosges du Nord, Lambrecht/La Petite-Pierre.


United Nations Man and the Biosphere Program (MaB)

ROK Biosphere Reserves (currently includes Mt. Seorak; the entire DMZ region is being proposed)
http://portal.unesco.org/science/en/ev.php- URL_ID=5755&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html      

United Nations East Asia Biosphere Reserve Network (EABRN)

Initiated in 1994, the EABRN originally encompassed five countries: China, Japan, People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, and Mongolia. An official request to join EABRN was submitted to UNESCO Jakarta Office in 1998 MAB-Russian Federation and was welcomed by the EABRN members. EABRN thus has six members and its activities span over 30 biosphere reserves across the region.






United Nations World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)

The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre is a collaboration between the United Nations Environment Programme, the world's foremost intergovernmental environmental   organization, and WCMC 2000, a UK-based charity.

selection on the geology, climate, biology etc… of the Korean Peninsula


World Resources Institute

WRI is an environmental think tank that strives to go beyond research to find practical      ways to protect the earth and improve people’s lives. They maintain a remarkable array of useful data, research and information programs for projects and topics around the globe.


WRI: Earth Trends

Environmental Information Portal, providing useful statistics and baseline information      packages regarding DPRK and ROK environmental institutions and governance.
